Priority support with Red Robin

Simon Leppänen

Red Robin is now ready to support you with prioritisation! Based on the patient's responses and the potential condition, cases coming in to your Drop-in queue via Red Robin will display a priority mark, facilitating your decision making. Moreover, the new Referral groups are available for administrators in receptions working with Red Robin. Finally, all healthcare practitioners will see major improvements in the invitation filters as well as a comprehensive, new case summary in Drop-in. Read all about these new features and more below and enjoy the new Visiba Care!
Contains releases: Office web 5.37, Android 3.37, iOS 3.37, Patient web 4.37, Red Robin 1.37.

Healthcare practitioners



  • Case summaries in drop-in now have a revamped look for a clearer overview.

Red Robin

  • Patient cases coming in to your Drop-in queue via Red Robin now display priority based on the patient's responses.


  • You can now filter colleagues from all receptions when you want to invite them to a video consultation.
  • Users active in one reception could not filter receptions when inviting a colleague to a video consultation. There is now a Reception filter for these users enabling them to filter for colleagues by the reception they are active in.


  • The national identity number (personnummer) of colleagues is now removed from the appointment information in the calendar.




  • You can now filter colleagues from all receptions when you want to invite them to a video consultation.
  • Users active in one reception could not filter receptions when inviting a colleague to a video consultation. There is now a Reception filter for these users enabling them to filter for colleagues by the reception they are active in.




Red Robin

  • You can easily set up patient referrals from Red Robin with the improved feature Referral Groups. Feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.


  • Admins with access rights to the relevant reception(s) can now remove users from said reception(s).
  • In the Statistics export Visit: Booked, when an appointment is booked by a scheduler, the scheduler's name is now reported in the Booked by column.
  • Intermittent crashes were reported when searching by email and adding an existing user to a reception. This issue is now solved.





  • The Done button displayed white text on a white background when downloading files from the call chat, making it invisible. This issue is now fixed.
  • When selecting a time in the booking flow, the information text about no available times was missing – the text now appears properly.


  • A scenario was reported in the permissions acceptance flow that caused the app to crash – this case is now fixed.

Embassy APIs



  • New possibility to create and fetch appointments with a patient and a representative.
  • New possibility to search for appointments by patient.
  • Deleted practitioners are now excluded from the results when searching for practitioners.