Release notes, August 18th, 2022

Simon Leppänen

Read all about the new functions, improvements, and bug fixes made in the new Visiba Care release on August 18th, 2022. 

Contains releases: Office web 5.53, Android 3.53, iOS 3.53, Patient web 4.53, Red Robin 1.53.

Healthcare practitioners


This is new:

  • It is possible to filter on multiple reason for contacts in the messaging view.
  • Reason for contact is now included as a column in the drop-in view.
  • Priority will be present in messaging and drop-in lists/cases, regardless of whether the reception uses Red Robin or not. This field can be used to sort and order incoming cases.


  • Improvements of the evaluation after messaging when priority has been changed.


  • When registering a patient and trying to submit the registration by pressing enter on the keyboard, the registration form closed. This issue has now been fixed.

Red Robin

  • When using Red Robin, the interface could, in some rare cases, crash due to connection error between Visiba Care and Red Robin. This issue has now been fixed.



Red Robin

  • When using Red Robin, the interface could, in some rare cases, crash due to a connection error between Visiba Care and Red Robin. This issue has now been fixed.




Red Robin

  • When using Red Robin, the interface could in some rare cases crash due to connection error between Visiba Care and Red Robin. This issue has now been fixed.




  • App will now be launched even if the logo is missing due to misconfiguration.

Red Robin

  • Better information when trying to add the same symptom twice.
  • Minor improvements related to restarting the chat.
  • Improvements related to adding additional information to a case. Instead of two questions (“Do you have any additional information?” and a text input field), Red Robin will now present the text input field directly.



  • Font for subtitles on reception buttons were shown as small caps instead of normal text. This has now been changed.


  • A file uploaded in the call chat which was deleted before the message was sent, still ended up being sent. This issue has now been fixed.
  • An error message was shown on the wrong field when not filling in the patient's national identification number when booking an appointment as a patient representative. This issue has now been fixed.

iOS, Android, Web

Red Robin

  • Scrollbars appeared in some modals without the need for it. This issue has now been fixed.
  • If symptoms were spelled wrong when describing the matter, they wouldn’t show up as proposed symptoms. This issue has now been fixed.


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