Release notes, February 2nd, 2023

Nanna Naumann

Read all about the new functions, improvements, and bug fixes made in the new Visiba Care release on February 2nd, 2023. 

Contains releases: Office web 5.60, Android 3.60, iOS 3.60, Patient web 4.60, Red Robin 1.60.

Healthcare staff

News and improvements:
  • Healthcare staff will notice quite a few improvements in the Visiba Care interface: 
    • The menu no longer blocks main content.
    • A horizontal scroll is added if the screen/window is smaller than the application's minimum width.
    • The menu and main content will have separate vertical scrollbars, if needed. 
Bug fixes:
  • In the timeslot template list, the list was limited to a fixed number of templates. This issue has now been fixed.
  • When adding a new text template, the browser's autocomplete function could be shown, blocking the intended functionality. This issue has now been fixed.
  • There was an issue in the calendar when working with timeslots that span over midnight, which could mean that the time slot could not be used. This issue has now been fixed.


News and improvements:


  • Patients will now get a better overview of the offers provided by the clinic.


Click here to go to the main page with all release notes.